This snack review has a variety of Japanese KitKat flavors including Orange Chocolate, 50th Anniversary Whole Wheat Biscuit, Milk Tea, and Rich Matcha.
Japanese KitKats are produced by two different companies, Nestle and Hershey. Hershey covers the US, while Nestle covers the rest. With that, interestingly, Nestle has a much wider range of flavors, and even their texture and composition are a bit different as they are smaller, lighter, and more airy. Taste is also usually a lot less sweet.
CNN has a good writeup of the dynamic of these two companies.
Orange Chocolate
Score: 7 / 10

Nice orangey, bold taste that doesn’t come across as artificial. There’s also a light milk chocolate flavor, which compliments it nicely. These really remind me of Terry’s Orange Chocolate Balls!
50th Anniversary Whole Wheat Biscuit
Score: 5.5 / 10

This is so weird! There’s almost a graham cracker, biscuity taste but it’s just a little different. A creamy, milky biscuit, maybe? Anyway, it’s decent, and overall, it’s lightly sweet.

Milk Tea
Score: 5.5 / 10

I expected more of a tea flavor, but these instead are more of a sweetish, almost milky-like taste with just a tad of tea. I’m not even sure if I’d classify these as ‘milk tea’ necessarily. In all, something about it just tastes kind of off.
Rich Matcha
Score: 6.5 / 10

A lightly sweet with an equally light, bold matcha flavor. These might have been better with an addition of chocolate or another flavor to compliment that matcha.