Reviewing Milka Oreo Sandwich, Tropical Fields Mochi, Peeps Cotton Candy, & More


A snack review and release history of:

  • Freddi Buondolce with Chocolate Honey Cream
  • Belgian Boys Lemon Cookie Tarts
  • Forrelli Italian Apricot Glazed Puff Pastry
  • Vincinni Napolitan Mocca Cream Wafers
  • Peeps Cotton Candy
  • Clancy’s Carrot Cake Flavored Kettle Corn
  • Drake’s Boston Creme Yodels
  • Rainbow Brownie Kisses
  • Milka Oreo Sandwich
  • Tropical Fields Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea Mochi

Freddi Buondolce with Chocolate Honey Cream

Score: 7 / 10

I know I taste a bit of alcohol mixed into this chocolate. That aside, honestly, something about the taste feels odd, though it doesn’t make it a bad experience; it just has a weird taste. Overall, it’s somewhat sweet, about the right amount. The composition of these individually wrapped cakes is soft and a little dry. There’s a super thin filling in the middle and an equally thin frosting on top that doesn’t add much.

Not sure when this was released. Found at Ocean State Job Lot.

Belgian Boys Lemon Cookie Tarts

Score: 7 / 10

Typical, well-tasting lemon tart cookies. A moderately sweet, soft, thin lemon spread sits atop soft, semi-crunchy plain cookies. The combination is nice in terms of taste and texture, it really balances well!

Not sure when this was released. Found at Ocean State Job Lot.

Forrelli Italian Apricot Glazed Puff Pastry

Score: 6 / 10

Hardly sweet with a tinge of apricot. Texture-wise, it’s a pretty soft pastry that reminds me of a wafer. These are extremely light overall and would make for a great side with coffee or tea.

Not sure when this was released. Found at Ocean State Job Lot.

Vincinni Napolitan Mocca Cream Wafers

Score: 7 / 10

You’re standard, semi-sweet, chocolate-filled wafers. I think the “Mocca cream” is a bit of a stretch.

Found at Ocean State Job Lot.

Peeps Cotton Candy

Score: 5.5 / 10

Strong vanilla-tasting cotton candy. Nothing more, nothing less. Honestly, these have a lot more flavor than regular Peeps.

Not sure when this was released. Found at Dollar Tree.

Clancy’s Carrot Cake Flavored Kettle Corn

Score: 6.5 / 10

Carrot cake is one of my favorites. I know the taste. This isn’t really it. It’s mostly a sweet, sugary-tasting glaze on semi-crunchy popcorn.

Released several years ago for the Easter season. Likely releases every year around the same time. Found at Aldi.

Drake’s Boston Creme Yodels

Score: 6 / 10

Where’s the Boston creme flavor, and why does this taste so off? It’s like a Swiss Roll with weird, semi-sweet-tasting creme. It’s almost a little bitter in a way. At least the soft texture is nice; they just need to improve the taste of the creme.

Released January 2024. Found at Walmart.

Rainbow Brownie Kisses

Score: 7 / 10

These remind me of some of the other kisses with soft chocolate centers. Like them, these are just like truffles as they have a soft chocolate center. There are little semi-colorful specs embedded that give it the tiniest crunch, but it’s almost not noticeable.

Released February 2024. Found at Walmart.

Milka Oreo Sandwich

Score: 8 / 10

These are so cool looking! Full mini Oreos embedded nicely in a milk chocolate bar. The silky chocolate bar pairs nicely with the crunchy Oreos. Together, it’s a tasty, fairly sweet combination.

Reviews date back to 2023, although Cadbury has an identical Oreo chocolate bar where reviews date back to many years ago. Found at Ocean State Job Lot.

Tropical Fields Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea Mochi

Score: 7 / 10

Freeze before eating, trust me. At room temperature, both the inside boba and the outside “mochi” are super soft, almost mushy, and indistinguishable from one another. For some reason, when they’re frozen, they solidify, and the texture really improves. Overall, these don’t have your standard mochi texture because it’s less chewy and more soft than what you’d find in a traditional mochi, but the flavor is there. It all comes across as a semi-sweet brown sugar, where you get the taste of both mochi and inside boba. They just need to fit the odd texture when it’s not frozen.

Not sure when this was released although reviews date back to around 2022. Found at Ocean State Job Lot.

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