Yield: ~8 Large cupcakes
- Box of cake, muffin, or brownie mix (ideally pink colored mix)
- Ingredients for mix
- Combination of Wilton Cookie Icing and/or Wilton Decorating Icing (pink, red, black, white, blue), use whatever combination you have.
- Small circle piping tip (optional)
- large cupcake baking pan
- Mixing bowl
- Parchment paper (optional)
Let’s Make It!
- Bake the mix according to the directions.
- When done baking, let sit out for an hour until they cool.
- Take out cupcakes and place onto a flat surface or parchment paper. Level the top of the cupcakes flat using a sharp knife. This doesn’t need to be perfect as the frosting will cover imperfections.
- Apply a crumb coat using any frosting you wish. Do this by applying a thin layer of frosting on top. Don’t worry if the top of the frosting gets crumby, that’s the point!
- Refrigerate for 30-45 minutes.
- Cover the top of the cupcakes with the pink frosting as evenly as you can.
- Using the black icing, prepare ovals for the eyes and a smile/frown for the mouth. Note that Kirby’s eyes are fairly close together and barely reach the half point mark.
- Apply the red icing as the cheeks. These are about level/slightly lower than the bottom of his eyes.
- Refrigerate for 30-45 minutes (optional).
- On the top of his eyes, apply white icing ovals. These don’t reach to the halfway point of his eyes.
- On the bottom of his eyes, apply blue icing. These also don’t reach the halfway point of his eyes.
- Refrigerate 30 minutes to further harden.
- Take out of fridge and decorate as you like! Feel free to apply eyebrows, sprinkles, and other things. These can sit out at room temperature for several days.
Notes & Alternatives
- Using a pink cake mix might be the best option, Kirby is pink after all!
- A large baking pan allows more room to decorate.
- Kirby came around in 1992 in Nintendo’s game, Kirby’s Dream Land released for the Game Boy. Ever since then, Kirby has been a mainstay character for Nintendo.
- Kirby celebrated his 30th anniversary in 2022 which prompted me to make these cupcakes!
- Kirby cupcakes, Kirb cakes, or are they Kirby kups?